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澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)正在帮助英国年轻人在银行和科技领域开展职业生涯

该公司的前瞻性举措培养人才,打破通往知名职业的障碍——这对员工来说是个好消息, employers and the UK economy.

May 29, 2024

This story originally appeared in the Evening Standard.

At 29, Radhika Chandarana is a senior professional at JPMorgan Chase, a bank with a large presence in the UK. 钱德拉娜扮演着她的角色,因为当机会来临时,她被授权离开她在中部的家.

她从一位老师那里听说,澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)开办了一个项目,旨在帮助学生初涉金融领域. With no contacts in banking, she applied on the spot.

“Outside London, nothing like this existed,” Chandarana told a round table hosted by JPMorgan Chase in March 2024. 该活动聚集了来自公共和私营部门的领导人,讨论如何帮助扩大年轻人的就业机会,提高为需求职业做好准备所需的技能. 

Making connections for success

Chandarana后来在首届有抱负的专业人士计划(APP)中赢得了一席之地。, 2012年在澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)金丝雀码头(Canary Wharf)总部举办的为期两周的工作体验项目. 在那里,她开始建立人际网络,并了解如何在大公司中茁壮成长. 

A JPMorgan Chase mentor guided her as she applied to university, completed internships and eventually earned a job at the firm in 2016. She’s now a vice president on the global rates team.

钱达拉纳觉得,在英格兰中部地区上一所成绩不佳的公立学校长大,意味着她没有一条通往未来可能职业的道路:“我没有(职业)建议. 伦敦是进入这个世界的障碍——在我的家乡,有一半的孩子上不起这里. 你建立的关系越多,你获得的经验就越多,你拥有的机会也就越多.”

Breaking down barriers in the financial sector

Today’s young people are ambitious, 但是,许多来自低收入家庭的学生缺乏就业准备资源,无法帮助他们在职业道路上做出明智的决定, says Hang Ho, head of international philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase.

For a number of years, 何鸿燊一直致力于打破金融行业高质量职业生涯的障碍. 这项工作的重点是帮助年轻人,特别是来自贫困家庭的学生,为他们的教育途径和未来的职业前景做出明智的选择.

JPMorgan Chase offers a range of career opportunities beyond finance, including roles in technology, digital, data and analytics. 为更多的年轻人建立职业道路对企业和国家经济都有好处, says Alison Macpherson, a recruiting leader at JPMorgan Chase, pictured main image, third from left.

“As a firm, 这是澳博官方网站app如何创新和开发更好的客户解决方案,因为我们拥有一支认知和经验多样化的员工队伍,” she says.

Tomorrow’s jobs will require today’s young people to be more skilled, data literate and open to learning beyond school, Macpherson says – and employers have a responsibility to help them get there.

Helping young people plan their careers

But students today still don’t face an equal playing field. 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的分析清楚地表明了这一点。, supported by JPMorgan Chase.

According to the OECD report, 在英国,低收入家庭的学生不太可能认识从事高薪职业的人. 这也使他们不太可能跟随专业人士或参观工作现场, 但正是这些经历可以提高学生的期望和前景.

“The hopes and aspirations of today’s students are shaped by their background,” says Anthony Mann, senior policy analyst at the OECD, 富裕家庭的学生比贫穷家庭的学生更有可能在职业生涯中获得更高的地位.”

Employers such as JPMorgan Chase, with 22,000 employees in the UK, are playing a key role in helping young people plan their future careers, the OECD analysis found. 学校希望这种情况发生,雇主也希望如此,但成功需要的不仅仅是良好的意愿, delegates at the round table heard.

“Everybody agrees it’s the right thing to do,” says Ho – but schools need more than piecemeal support. 澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)已投入资金,以了解其将学校和雇主联系起来的举措中,哪些在弱势学生中效果最好. 大型和小型雇主在管理项目时面临不同的摩擦, and students’ needs differ – a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work.

“我们需要支持和资金来建立结构的支柱,帮助员工大规模协调机会, and help time-pressed teachers understand the breadth of what is out there,” says Ho.

Encouraging disadvantaged students early on


“在他们做出重要的GCSE科目选择之前,我们需要在他们的教育早期就进行互动,” says Macpherson. “We need to spark an interest. They need to see role models to know it’s possible.”

For 12 years, 澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)与社会流动基金会(Social Mobility Foundation)合作,扩大了这款应用的地理覆盖范围, the programme Chandarana took advantage of. Since 2012, 澳博官方网站appAPP已经帮助850多名学生获得了至关重要的工作经验, with 94 per cent pursuing higher education, 超过86%的人最终在毕业15个月后找到了全职工作, at JPMorgan Chase and other firms.

澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)希望以其成功的试点计划为基础,在全国范围内改善参差不齐的职业建议,并惠及更多的中学生, and has recently invested an additional £2.5m in UK’s Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC), bringing the total funding to £4.8m. 这项投资旨在为那些面临教育进步障碍的人提供有针对性的职业指导, training or employment. 该公司希望在全国范围内改善就业建议,并惠及更多的中学生.

The goal of levelling the playing field

CEC主席尼基·摩根男爵夫人在圆桌会议上说:“年轻人需要了解基本知识。. “Schools don’t always have access to employers, to people who can tell students how to prepare for a job interview, what to wear, how to behave. Building resilience is terribly important.” 

与CEC合作有助于资助揭示干预弱势青年职业成果的切实和长期效益的工作, says Ho. What’s more, if these strategies can demonstrate value for money, 它们更有可能激发政策和资金,使它们在全国范围内推广.

“There’s no silver bullet for promoting social mobility,” adds Ho. “我们的目标是找到有效的证据,因为我们认为这很重要.”

了解更多关于澳博官方网站app致力于扩大英国经济增长机会的信息 here.

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